Dentrix Ideas

Fix the latest Office Journal "Save as Default" update.

Ever since the latest Dentrix update, when you load up the patient's Journal, the "Entries Dated After" is defaulted for 1 year prior. There is an option to change the Date to either <ALL> or to go back to the earliest date (10/29/2007 for a particular patient for example) and then "Save as Default" but when you do, it DOES NOT save as a default date. Because when I load up the patient again, or any patient, it will still go back only 1 year and NOT the 10/29/2007 I previously Saved as Default.

Dentrix disabled the Default view of looking at stored information in the journal older than 1 year, and now it takes multiple steps to retrieve information (broken appointments, previous appointments, notes stored in the journal, etc) plus all the entries become Collapsed until you Expand them again.

Please allow us to instantly see all Journal entries per patient by Enabling "Save as Default" again. Too much information is being hidden by default.

  • Kirk DentrixUser
  • Jan 10 2023
  • Released
  • Sep 28, 2023

    Admin response

    Thank you for posting to Dentrix Ideas! Please upgrade to the latest version of Dentrix to enjoy this feature. Release details can always be found at

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    14 Nov, 2023 02:10pm

    Yes, this is an unmitigated disaster and is completely unproductive for all parties involved. I've been told this 1 year default is to "load the journal faster." I can tell you that the time that is wasted by the admin staff, plus the faulty journal information that is viewable (i.e. the previous 12 months, the patient has an excellent attendance/payment record, but prior to that, the patient has numerous missed appts and late payments), costs our office more time than the "faster loading." In addition, the doctors cannot be expected to have to change the filter every time they want to look at a patient's journal. PLEASE FIX THIS.

  • Guest commented
    28 Apr, 2023 02:26pm

    This is the same exact thing I just contacted Dentrix about. It's obvious this change was made by someone who does not work in an actual dental office. We use OJ all day long, especially our front desk girls. We want to see the patient's ENTIRE history. We don't have time to mess around changing filters each time. This is especially important when dealing with a patient who has been a problem in the past. We need to see these entries at first glance, not have to waste time searching for them. Please take it back to the way it used to be!!!!!!

  • Kim Ordway commented
    13 Feb, 2023 05:23pm

    Please return this function to it's previous way of working and show all history. We use the office journal all day, every day and having to reset the date for each patient gets in the way of efficiency. Thank you.

  • Guest commented
    7 Feb, 2023 05:35pm

    This exactly! This needs to be fixed. It takes too long when a patient is on the phone to look up their journal history.