I have to change from DDS1 to my ID HYG1, in order to have it labeled correctly in my clinical notes section. I would like to have it permanently set to HYG1 to avoid accidentally tagging DDS1 when doing notes after each patient.
Thank you for the suggestion. at the moment the clinical note will be assigned to the currently selected user in the Chart.
This would make scanning for previous clincal notes much easier. With 10 years of notes it is a mess. I want to look for a note I put in the chart, but I have to wade through countless hygiene notes. If it defaulted to a hygiene vs doctor vs front desk IDs it would save time for everyone. This is a no brainer.
It would be great if maybe a provider could be assigned to an operatory. The hygienist always (95%) work in same room. if their computer or operatory set up could default to the hygienist (without setting them as primary provider). we can manually change if needed on the rare occasion we use their room for operative.