Dentrix Ideas

Take Easy Dental aspects and implement in Dentrix

So tired of all the extra work one has to do in Dentrix, easy dental was so straight forward:

  1. When posting tx it should come up, Do you want to bill the Insurance?

  2. When posting pymts to ins claims, the write off amt should come up immediately that is written off from the claim, as it did in easy dental. I don't care how many claims I have for the same insurance company for the same amount paid and write off the same and yet it does not come up.

  3. Plus the fact of having to type in pt's name in electronic payments to balance.

  4. New patient appts, do not show up when trying to locate under exsisting appts. And yes the new patient does have an account, but doesn't show one until you find the appt and click into it, then the acct appears.

  5. many other aspects have way too many steps and take too much time and work, unlike easy dental.

  • debi zamora
  • Feb 27 2023
  • Needs review
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