Dentrix Ideas

Have the option to set timeframe of when emails are sent.

After finding an issue with multiple emails sent to patients stating that they missed their appointment when they really didn't (come to find out it was a glitch in the system) I realized that many of these automated emails that are sent as part of the automated system are sent in the middle of the night like 1:00-3:00am. Emails sent at those times coming from a dental practice seems very unprofessional and we should be able to set the time that emails send just as we can with the text feature.

  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2022
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  • Sharon Teague commented
    30 Sep, 2022 05:35pm

    I was told that if you move an appointment from one day to another the system will not recognize the new appointment and will use previous appointment so it will look like patient didn't show up. I have had many patients receiving these emails and texts and call us that we sent them to them stating they've missed an appointment when they have not! These needs to be addressed ASAP!!