Dentrix Ideas

Have the ability to create custom Icons to palce on appointments/chart

It would be nice to have the ability to create your own alert icon to show on a patients appointment and in the patients chart. One thing that would be helpful is if a patient has Medicaid or Chips (In Texas) is to make an Icon with an M or TC. That way when I am verifyng insurance I can see at a glance all of the paients who are on these plans and verify all at one time. It would also help with in assisting the back office staff in knowing limitations with that particular patient. Another one would be a picture of a pill to reflect a patient is a pre med patient. Instead of creatig alert pop ups be able to assign alert icons as well.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

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  • Kim Oberlag commented
    21 Jul, 2022 05:47pm

    Icons would be great for use with snore appliances, sleep apnea, and bleach trays.

  • Guest commented
    5 Apr, 2022 09:22pm

    This is a great idea! I'd love a "poop" icon as well with the initial "U" for United Healthcare (yeah, that's right Mortimer!) and an "M" for Metlife, etc...This would really make my day. You just don't know...

  • Unknown Unknown commented
    21 Mar, 2022 04:37pm

    A Pre-Medication icon would be helpful.

  • Sarah commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    A check box in the new patient information for financial staff to be able to quickly see that we've verified with them that they have no insurance would be very helpful. Anything that saves a few clicks is so important to a practice. Thanks!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    We need the ability to add a number and the patients name on every printed page for the patient. for example in the footer next to the page numbers.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    I see this was posted over a year ago. Custom appointment icons would DRAMATICALLY improve my efficiency and would be an excellent selling point for Dentrix. I would also like to see these icons remain after appointment is completed (or at least have that option). The current 'Patient Alert' system is NOT effective. Pop-ups are distracting and do not pop-up at opportune times. There is nothing faster than a quick glance that answers the very question you want answered. Please make this happen, it would be a huge benefit to users and a great marketing tool for Dentrix. I would LOVE to be able to flag a variety of things: 1) No partial payment allowed 2) See note for last conversation 3) Ins pays in full 4) Write Letter after appt 5) Pt has financial questions 6) Pt has questions for doctor 7) Pt allergic to office scent machine 8) Pt likes neck pillow 9) Call referring doctor after appt 10) Forward today's x-rays to referring doctor 11) This list could truly be endless
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    The rpocedure buttons are too small
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    Agreed, the customizable icons would be SO effective in a great many ways! We have a large amount of pediatric patients in our multi-specialty practice, many of which have special needs. Since we have several providers seeing our pediatric patients, at times there are special needs patients that require multiple staff members during appointment. Having a customized symbol on the appointment would enable the appointments at a glance to be spread out since that symbol would stick out more. Flags are not effective because that is only one solution for everything and one person or family may have several things to be "flagged" forcing employees to "click through the flags" rather than taking the time to read each flag.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    By having an icon on the appointment book view to indicate that today's clinical note is signed. It would save a lot of time by not having to open each chart and then open the note and see if it is signed at the end of the day! Thanks for asking.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    Need a symbol of some sort to show on appointment and family file that they pay out of pocket
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    For example if there is a specific insurance that needs to be verified at the beginning of the day it would be convenient to have buttons like the red medical cross or the yellow flag that show up in the upper right corner of the appointment that could be customized to draw attention to important circumstances
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    I would like to be able to add an icon onto the appt book so that we can see at a glance when someone needs premed. This would help in reminding patients to take their premed when confirming and to make sure they've taken it when they get here.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    In version 6.1 the panel colors were removed and now they are all white. They were better and more visually defined as they were in version G6
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    Ability to alert an employee to a certain aspect regarding the patient or his/her history without having a pop up message that slows work flow or is sometimes seen by the patient. Example: a dollar sign in different colors to indicate senior citizen discount gets applied, pt is bad pay so collect at time of service, or patient is on a payment plan. Another flag could be that the patient is drug seeking or is premed due to a recent artificial joint surgery. You could offer lots of different symbols and allow each office to customize as their need arises. Also, have the option of just having the symbol or including a pop-up as well.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    Add an icon to the appointment (like the flagged, note, or medical alerts in top right corner), with them or maybe just below them, that automatically indicates whether the treatment in the appointment that was completed through the appointment book has been created/batched/sent in an insurance claim. It could be as simple as a colored box that appears if the patient has insurance, the changes color when the claim is created, batched, sent or printed. That way you can see at a glance if you have forgotten to file ins. for anyone or if they even have insurance without bringing up the family file every time or notating it in every appt (we do that now). Would really help avoid forgetting to collect or file. Similarly, it would be great to have the ability to create custom indicators in that area of the appointment that is currently empty to show a yes or no option. Ex: new patient appts would indicate if x-rays had arrived from referring dentist or not by icon on appt. These could just be color choices, or an option of little generic icons.
  • Ellie commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    That's a great idea.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    It would be awesome if there was a P showing in the appt. on the schedule to let you know if the tx was preauthorized. Like the L for lab cases. What do you all think? Great idea or what? :)
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    We are a periodontal office and have multiple periodontal maintenance appointments. It would be great to have a symbol indicating which patients have existing tx plans just by looking at the appointment at a glance. Thanks for anything you can do.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    I would like to create custom alerts that appear on a patients appointment. This would be similar to a medical alert (red cross) that can be viewed on all patients from the appointment book view. Our office offers an in-house dental insurance plan and we are needing a time efficient and hippa compliant way to distinguish these patients from other insurance policies.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:19am
    Have another flag of some kind showing in the appointment book that there are other notes from the appointment screen. When you have checked....other scheduled appts, rescheduled appts, check balances etc...would be nice to know if these are checked without having to open each individual appointment.
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