Dentrix Ideas

Auto add a narrative to claim box 35 for procedure codes that always need a narrative like Nitrous or Occlusal Guards

For instance Nitrous or Occlusal Guards always need a narrative (Remarks) box 35 on the claim form. Currently we have to go to the Remarks for Unusal Services box on the claim and click that and then click the preset remarks or add procedure note if we have made one. Can we have the ability to always enter a "Remark" into box 35 on the claim form when certain procedures are posted such as D9230 (Nitrous) since we always need to have it, and the same for an Occlusal Guard. These are just two very popular codes, same could be done for other procedures that need a narrative every time. This would save so much time and eliminate many errors on submissions for those that are forgot.

  • Guest
  • May 24 2023
  • Future consideration
  • May 25, 2023

    Admin response

    Thank you for posting to Dentrix Ideas! Your idea is under consideration for future development.

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