Dentrix Ideas

attach narrative to procedure code

basic narrative you use all the time attach to procedure code so that it shows up on insurance claim

  • Guest
  • Mar 3 2020
  • Already exists
  • Mar 3, 2020

    Admin response

    There are a couple of options when it comes to attaching a note to an insurance claim remarks.

    This is a new feature added in G4 Productivity Pack 6

    The templates can be setup under Office Manager | Maintenance | Practice Setup | Custom Notes | Claim Remarks Setup...
    To insert the a template after setting it up:
    1. Open a claim
    2. Open the "Remarks for Unusual Services" window
    3. Click the "Claim Remarks" button
    4. Choose your note and Click OK


    1. Office Manager \ maint \ prac setup \ procedure code setup

    2. Find and select the code \ edit \ edit note button in bottom left

    3. Attach a note in the procedure code progress note box \ ok \ save and close

    4. Post procedure to patient Ledger \ create insurance claim \ open claim \ bottom right hand corner, open Remarks for Unusual services box \ click Notes from Procedure and attach

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Tina Smith commented
      October 06, 2021 14:06

      This does not attach the notes automatically. When dealing with bulk codes such as fluoride that requires a narrative, It would be much more efficient if it auto attached based on code.

    • Tina Smith commented
      May 13, 2020 19:12

      Disagree with this option existing. The request is for a narrative to automatically attach to a code and placed in a claim without have to open each and every individual claim and add it manually. During COVID-19 code D1999 is recommended with a narrative on each patient at each appointment to cover the cost of PPE. To create and attach a narrative for each person on every day for every claim is time consuming and redundant to say the least. There should be an option to automatically add a pre-scripted narrative when a code is used.