Dentrix Ideas

Close Multiple Days in Appointment Book

It would be good to be able to select multiple days to close the office when in "Appointment Book / Setup / Schedule Calendar For Practice / Office Closed / Office Closed on Selected Date" rather than having to (tediously) close each day at a time when shutting down the office for more than a single day, such as for prolonged vacation or during the mandated Covid shutdown of several months. The final menu option above would then become "Office Closed on Selected Date(s)" for example.

  • Leon Gerard
  • Mar 26 2021
  • Attach files
  • Robert Lopez commented
    1 Nov, 2024 01:40pm

    On behalf of David Gershenzon DMD:

    It would be great to also add a biweekly way to do it, instead of doing this process per day manually.