At our office we have two dentists/two teams, each team working the opposite shift as the other, so our office is "open" every day of the week.
We do our schedule a year in advance and it becomes incredibly tedious. If one provider works Thursday-Wednesday, a week on/week off, that is over 182 days, we are needing to flip through, and erase the time for. We have 9 providers/ops between both shifts. Combined, that's 1642 times, that we are needing to MANUALLY change the time to complete the full year for all the providers.
Since our office is technically opened every day of the week there is no "easy" way to do this. Even creating "events" to block each room on the off shifts has it's barriers as we can only do a shift at a time, which requires multiple steps to complete.
Having the option to "close room on selected date" is a quick and easy way to complete this task, as it takes very minimal steps to complete.