Dentrix Ideas

flagging patients who are due for a medical history update

We like to have an updated medical history for every patient every 2 years. Other than pulling every single chart to check for when the last update was done, it would be nice to have a place on dentrix to mark when they are due for a new med history update. The flag could come up on the patient chart just like when they are due for prophy or x-rays.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Stacy Borucki commented
    19 Jul, 2024 12:40am

    Hey everyone! I always use the Consent date in the Family File. When a patient would do their update we changed the Consent date because they should be signing their HIPPA as well so you can file claims which is a consent to share their info with insurance companies. Then you know when they are due at a glance. Just a thought.

  • Timothy Wall commented
    21 Aug, 2023 05:35pm

    Currently we put updating health history in the continuing care section of the family file, but something easier to flax this would be more beneficial

  • Marg commented
    19 Mar, 2021 04:48pm

    Could the Medical History update have a continuing care associated with it? IF so, the continuing care would show up on the patient visit form to see when prepping charts. I realize that IF the patient signs up for the portal, the MH form would just show up 7 days in advance of the appointment...and that automates the process for the patient. ONLY for those patients with a portal. ,The continuing care note notifies the office easily and helps to ensure that those patients who opt out of portal use (because it's not user friendly) will still be flagged to the office for their complete medical health form update.

  • Marg commented
    20 Aug, 2020 12:21pm

    Something would be helpful....we presently use another idea we heard where the "consent" date in the FF is updated to when you do the HH update. We see it on the patient visit form and know when to update.

  • Guest commented
    22 Jul, 2020 08:58pm

    Make a code for UMH and attach to continuing care. It works like a charm

  • Guest commented
    15 Apr, 2020 07:31pm

    This would save A LOT of admin time. It's just another thing that we do not need to research to prepare our day. Would be very helpful for front and back office

  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    We added a continuing care button for the medical update. That way it tells us. We updated everyone as they came in, so it took a bit of time, but now everyone is on schedule and we need only look at their cc to see if they are due.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Great Idea!!!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Amanda - could you expand on your solution please.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    There is already a box you can check mark at the bottom of you appointment dialogue box!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    in the family file where the continuing care is we added a medical history to be updated every two years
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Sorry, Just noticed your request for expanding on the solution we use. It is what Jamie has listed. It works really well. I created a continuing care in the pt family file listed as medical update. You can set up your own and have it default to whatever time frame you want. We make sure that each appointment when it comes up as due in the continuing care has a code for medical update so when you close out the appointment it auto updates, just like prophy or exam. I hope this helps.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Our health history is in the questionnaire module with an expiration after 11 months. The Daily Huddle report lists all patients with an expired questionnaire.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    We actually update health histories every year when patients come in. We've come up with a way to stay on top of this thru the continuing care program. A pop-up alert would be amazing. I know that the AxiUm software program does this. The problem with continuing care health history set up is that it is only as effective as the persons using the system and their ability to look at the box to see if the update is due. Please come up with a pop-up! Thanks!
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    We actually update health histories every year when patients come in. We've come up with a way to stay on top of this thru the continuing care program. A pop-up alert would be amazing. I know that the AxiUm software program does this. The problem with continuing care health history set up is that it is only as effective as the persons using the system and their ability to look at the box to see if the update is due. Please come up with a pop-up! Thanks! ~Kim
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Make it continuing care?
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    We typically put a note in the appointment stating if the patient needs to update their medical history. We also do that every 12 months. The questionnaires also alert us once we click on them if someone is due.
  • Siobhan W commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Agreed having to check F.F. and Doc Center for update info is time consuming. As the Health update box in the appointment does absolutely nothing to alert the FD this needs to be done. Maybe when checking the box it add's a similar "musical note" to the appointment???
  • Jennifer Reeves commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    Our office just adds it as a “continuing care” item. I created a dummy code that gets entered just as a procedure would into the ledger whenever a patient does update the record, & cc sets for 12 months out. My only struggle is getting the front desk to ENTER the update....
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:15am
    We just created a code for health history updates and added it into continuing care. works great!
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