Dentrix Ideas

Coverage Table Breakdown

It would be really helpful to have more categories to put percentages in. For example, Oral Surgery only allows for one percentage but sometimes there's a difference in what a simple extraction is covered at and what a surgical extraction is covered at or sometimes the surgical extraction isn't covered at all but a simple extraction is. Also, for perio, there should be another category to put periomaintence because sometimes that is covered at a different percentage than perio surgery. More of a breakdown so we can give the patient a better estimate.

There should also be a category for fluoride and sealants.

  • angie parent
  • Mar 5 2020
  • Already exists
  • Mar 5, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation. there are ways to customize the coverage and payment tables, to work in your favor for situations such as this.

    For steps on how to do this, we encourage you to contact support at 833-471-2273.

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