Open Dental has this capability. It is wonderful. You no longer have to keep paper copies of the EOB's, additionally, when posting a bulk check it would then be available on the payment of each individual patient on that bulk check.
There is a current feature that we recommend you to look at by browsing to our knowledgebase. please see the link and article below.
Article: 14144
Open Dental is the best. Unfortunately, is still not ready to learn a new sysytem
Our workaround for this is to scan the EOB into the patient's Document center. We created a "document type" of Insurance EOB and the under that type were are able to list them by DOS and insurance so that they are easy to access and find what you need. Hope that helps! I could not imagine going back to saving and filing all those paper copies! :-/
I was hoping that they could add a feature such as this one. See the lower left where it says "scan EOB" this could then be viewable from each patient that was part of that check when clicking on the payment
This is much more complicated than what I was used to with Open Dental. My suggestion was that when entering a bulk insurance payment, there should be a capability to scan the EOB and it is then attached to each patient on that bulk check and you should be able to view it from the payment screen if needed. Having to add it to each individuals documents is a large time constraint especially if the person handling the payments is also running the front desk.