Dentrix Ideas

Multiple Parent Addresses

We need the ability to have multiple addresses for a family unit consisting of more than 2 parents. In my case, we have 3 parents. We have a family, with a mother (non-patient) and her 2 daughters (patients), living at one address, making the mom HOH so the bills for the daughters go to the mother. Each of the daughters have 2 separate fathers (non-patients) that live at 2 different addresses. Each father has insurance for their respective daughters who live with their mother. I must merge the families together in order to have the mother receive the HOH designation and the bills for both daughters. The issue is that I cannot have 3 separate physical addresses for the 3 parents because if I split the family in to two separate families, the HOH designation goes to the father at one address instead of the mother at her address. With the merged family that gives the HOH distinction to the mother, I can't change her address without Dentrix changing the physical address of the second father to be her address which is not correct. The system needs to be updated ASAP because if the insurance company requires the correct physical address, then the system will reject the claim because the insurance subscriber lives at a different address. Bottom-line is that I need the ability to have 3 or more parents have 3 or more addresses in the same family unit in this world of blended families. I called into Dentrix and they suggested I put this on My Voice. Please contact me if you have questions. Thanks so much!

  • Guest
  • Feb 13 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Feb 25, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we will consider this for a potential future release. at this time the program only allows for a single address, a suggested workaround would be to have each child on their own account with the mother attached as HOH. For steps on how to do this, we encourage you to contact support at 833-471-2273.

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