When you enter treatment and assign it to each particular visit, it would be great if you could move the treatment in tooth numerical order so it doesn't look all jumbled. For instance, if you add all your treatment for teeth numbers 2-28 then go back and add #5 treatment, it puts it at the end instead of placing it between #4 and #6. It would look much more organized and have better flow when discussing the plan with the patient.
The current print\sort order of a Treatment plan is as follows:
1. Case (procedures should be GROUPED into Cases, although the user can re-order the Cases into a specific order if they so desire. This is not intended to mean that the Cases should be sorted in alphabetical or any other specific type of order in the Treatment Planner, just grouped together by Case.)
2. Visit number (if any).
3. Procedure Date.
4. Tooth #.
5. Procedure Code (ADA Code).