Dentrix Ideas

Automatically add deductible met when its first operative treatment of year

when entering insurance payments, deductible goes to "lifetime deductible" not "annual". I understand being able to manually enter if patient has been somewhere else, but patients that do not go other places, the deductible should automatically go to annual deduct met without having to manually enter it in. The majority of our patients only come here. It would make more sense to manually change the "few" instead of the manually entering the majority.  it would be more efficient.

  • Guest
  • Oct 17 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Oct 18, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for the suggestion. Currently it is Working As Designed that the Individual Lifetime deductible is a running total of the Individual Annual deductible. if you are having issues with the entry and deductibles, we do encourage you to reach out to support at 833-471-2273.

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  • Guest commented
    18 Nov, 2019 03:16pm

    Annual deductible should never be applied to Lifetime. This is a huge problem for us. IT needs to be fixed!!!