Dentrix Ideas

NEW Claim form 1/1/2024 needs SRP history

Every D4910 requires SRP history to be added to block 39a in the NEW claim form (J43024) release date January 1st, 2024. Can Dentrix auto-fill block 39a with ledger history on every claim? When the patient switches dental insurances, the periodontal history has to be included whenever D4910 is billed to avoid denials due to historical.

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2023
  • In Development
  • Oct 26, 2023

    Admin response

    We are currently developing this feature. Please watch for details on when it is released!

  • Attach files
  • Stacy Borucki commented
    16 Apr, 2024 04:22am

    What I have done as a work around on this is enter the SRP HX to the ledger with the correct dates of service and double click on the code and refer it out on the ledger in the referred to area within the code, you will have to Zero out each procedure because of course your office did not do this. Mark each one "do not bill to dental insurance". The R column is for referred out so it will pull it from the ledger on to the claim form. I would consider putting all of you referring specialist in your referral maintenance if you have not already so that way the R indicates your office did not do the procedures and the specialist who did will be inside the procedure code.

  • Jill McDonald commented
    9 Apr, 2024 05:31pm

    You can't manually enter the date, it exclusively pulls from the patient ledger. If your patient had perio treatment from a specialist (periodontist) outside of your practice you CANNOT enter that information like we ALL expected. You must continue to submit attachments and fight with denials just like before. Practically nothing has been gained.

  • Monica C commented
    14 Feb, 2024 11:22pm

    This is now on the 2024 claim forms and thought it would be very helpful to have D4910 claims go thru more smoothly, however, it will NOT enter it if you use the 2024F form. ADA advises to use the 2024F because it will use your office fee on the claims and not the reduced in-network fees. Hoping this can be corrected.