Dentrix Ideas

Add a button to the enter code box for exemption from annual maximum

While the option of adding different maximum for different benefit types was added, it is not common to have an entire service type exempted as it is a individual service. A check box in the enter code screen to exempt from maximums would be better utilized to tailor the patient ledger and available maximum to the plan without hand calculation.

  • Guest
  • Jul 19 2022
  • Needs review
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  • Tracie Poteet commented
    20 Jul, 2022 01:03pm

    Would it be easier if the exemption from Maximum was entered in the insurance max and deductible table? This would be my preference but either would be helpful. It would be nice if we could add in the insurance table specific codes that this would apply to so we wouldn't have to remember it at every checkout in the event the account wasn't flagged.