When viewing/creating or changing an appointment we would like alerts regarding insurance maximums.
When viewing/creating or changing an appointment we would like insurance information regarding maximums, used and plan year information to either pop up or have a simple box we could mouse over and see it in order to alert patients to the fact they may go over ther maximum with the appointment we are discussing or setting up.
There should also be an automated alert that informs you if the patient is scheduled for additional appointments which will cause them to max out or that will not be covered for that benefit year. E.g. if the scheduled cleaning in 2 months will no longer be covered because a RCT which was completed today will cause the maximum benefit to be reached, then an alert should show when completing the appointment for the RCT that another previously scheduled appointment is not to be covered, same would go for when trying to schedule a new appointment.
We would like a flag that would pop up when a patient is over max. Not everyone in the office who schedule patients can remain aware to check max ahead of scheduling. You can tell assistants and hygiene to watch for it, but realistically that won't always happen. They have other priorities. A flag would help with that.
Also when completing an appointment.
There should also be an automated alert that informs you if the patient is scheduled for additional appointments which will cause them to max out or that will not be covered for that benefit year. E.g. if the scheduled cleaning in 2 months will no longer be covered because a RCT which was completed today will cause the maximum benefit to be reached, then an alert should show when completing the appointment for the RCT that another previously scheduled appointment is not to be covered, same would go for when trying to schedule a new appointment.