Dentrix Ideas


this is how it works with OpenDental and allows for task creation, follow up and completion without interrupting a staff member all the time with requests, or using sticky notes all over the office. Once task is complete, the "creator" gets a response, checks it out, assign new task or continues with the process that was interrupted due to the missing information requested by the task creation.
Example: I need some insurance info for my patient. I create a task to the patient coordinator to call the patient and inquire about his new insurance info. Once she receives this info, she enters the information into the patient's charts and let me know the task is completed. I can go back to the patient's chart and work on my treatment planning and pre approval process. And all of this without leaving my chair, or interrupting anyone else with my specific needs at a specific time of the day.

  • Guest
  • Apr 26 2022
  • Needs review
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