Dentrix Ideas

Split adjustment (the same as split payment)

Split adjustments in the same way that payments can be split. Allow adjustment amounts to be split among provider and family member balances.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    What are some scenarios in which this feature would be useful?
  • Attach files
  • Susie Nosbusch commented
    November 17, 2023 17:03

    Just refunding a patient who paid by cash or check does not split the refund by the provider then it shows up as a credit on one provider and a debit on another which means I have to reallocate to correct it when I could have done that to begin with. Saving time and increasing accuracy.

  • Maggie England commented
    August 24, 2022 18:58

    I would like to split ins adj. per procedure, like when we itemize a payment. For example.....when there is a prim and sec ins, it would be nice to look at a specific proc. and see how much prim had us w/o so we are not w/o too much when we enter sec.

  • Michael Kapner commented
    August 10, 2019 15:15

    Yes, if you can split private payments such as checks and credit cards amongst providers, you should be able to split the adjustments such as a patient refund in the same way rather than having to enter the refund twice in the split amounts.

  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    Also show balance owed per provider just like it does for payments.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    When a family balance is zero and there are some family members showing a balance due because one family member has a credit balance, it would be useful to have a "zero adjustment" option that would allow the system to allocate the debit and credit balances to zero themselves out, bringing all the family ledgers to zero. I do this manually and sometimes I have to do four or five separate adjustments! If a screen would pop up showing the family ledgers that have a balance so we could see them all at once and allocate from one screen, it would be much easier. Of course, ideally, Dentrix should be able to do this for you with one entry and one click. As far as provider allocation goes, It's very hard to keep it straight.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    When posting insurance claim payments that has multiple providers an adjustment for in network versus out of network fee
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    When we have a patient in for a hygiene appointment and they also get an exam by the doctor. If they have no insurance we offer a 5% cash discount that needs to be applied to both providers (the dr and the hygienist), so we have to figure the discount twice.
  • Susie Nosbusch commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    Every patient payment for hygiene needs to be allocated. For the providers to get paid on collections and not the discounts.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    We should be able to apply a cash discount upon checkout and have it split amongst the providers/doctors.......
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    This would be very helpful when trying to apply a discount. For example, if you do a $100 off new patient special, but that new patient appointment includes procedures billed to the hygienist, the assistant, and the doctor...who does the discount apply to? It's a pain in the butt to manually figure out which procedures/providers need what discount. There should be a way to split discounts by procedure/provider/family member, etc.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    This would be very helpful when trying to apply a discount. For example, if you do a $100 off new patient special, but that new patient appointment includes procedures billed to the hygienist, the assistant, and the doctor...who does the discount apply to? It's a pain in the butt to manually figure out which procedures/providers need what discount. There should be a way to split discounts by procedure/provider/family member, etc.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    Please make a split by provider option in tax/discounts module. If a patient has a cleaning and exam with a senior discount of 10%, It would be great to be able to correctly split the discount. Thank you.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    In trying to fix 1 problem, another was created. I understand the focus on payments to providers. However, in doing so, the "adjustments to provider" was overlooked. There is now a problem with "split payments" being applied to providers that have nothing to do with current procedures AND/OR the family has $0.00 balance. At this time payments are "automatically split" depending on historical adjustments that were or were not made. Is it possible to have the payments split depending on total family outstanding balances not on prior adjustments??? Another option can be to have "enter payment" mirror "enter adjustment" just as it was prior to G6? Thank You.
  • Michael Kapner commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    I have a scenario in which I would use it: The family has a credit balance where multiple family members have a credit. I want to apply an adjustment called, "Patient Refund." I would like to be able to enter the amount of the refund and then have Dentrix split the adjustment appropriately to the correct family members.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    It would be nice when one family member has a credit and one a balance an offset of debits and credits would be nice.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:52
    We have a multi provider office and we need the ability to split the adjustment when procedures are being charged with different providers. It takes forever to figure manually who gets what amount on the discount. Example: Dr is charged with exam and prophy with hygienist and xrays a different provider.
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