Dentrix Ideas

Put in a feature to turn off the "special adjustments"?

When transferring family members, even if the account is at $0, all theses weird "special adjustments" come up and one family ends up with a credit balance, and one with a debit balance. This is annoying and hard to explain to patients.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Released
  • Nov 10, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for all of the feedback! As of G7.4, special adjustments are now a thing of the past. Special adjustments have been removed with the implementation of the family edit and archive patient wizards.

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  • Heather Kasdan commented
    November 09, 2020 14:23

    Hi. What does it mean that this has changed to “shipped”?

  • Guest commented
    October 15, 2020 13:41

    Hopefully this will also stop the credit and debit adjustments when a family member is archived.

  • Guest commented
    July 14, 2020 19:52

    Long overdue. It has always caused so much confusion.

  • Guest commented
    June 18, 2020 11:46

    Looking forward to enhancement

  • Office Admin/TFD commented
    June 17, 2020 23:41

    looking forward to this enhancement

  • Guest commented
    November 12, 2019 22:13

    no way to turn off this feature yet?

  • Guest commented
    July 29, 2019 18:28

    PLEASE do away with these special adjustments. They are so hard to try to explain to the patients.

  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    This suggestion needs to be addressed with a Dentrix update ASAP. At the moment, Dentrix does a good job with helping the doctor and his/her team with charting and treatment-related functions. However, the Ledger module has been workable at best and performance-inhibiting at worst...mostly due to its distinct lack of automation. This update would be another step in the right direction to have the system *automatically* tell the team that something may not be right. And while we're at it, can we please get some mouse-wheel support in the Ledger...?
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    I agree! This is a most annoying feature, that never makes any sense! What is the purpose behind the special adjustments anyway???
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    I agree! This is a most annoying feature, that never makes any sense! What is the purpose behind the special adjustments anyway???
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    I agree! This is a most annoying feature, that never makes any sense! What is the purpose behind the special adjustments anyway???
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    Prior to separating the acct, there was a zero balance. When I moved one patient to his own acct, both accts now show a credit of $300 .I re-joined the accts but now the credit shows a special adj. of $600 credit which cannot be deleted and can only be corrected using Misc Debit Adjustment.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    Absolutely! I have had many adjustments that had to be readjusted to zero the balances back out. At the very least, give us an option to change or delete them.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    This request was put on here in 2010 - and 4 years later I am still hating the stupid "special adjustments" without the ability to even delete the darn things - I've had to explain to each person who's accounts I've separated. Please Dentrix hear our plea and put in a feature to turn them off or let us delete them!
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    I think that as long as the account has a zero balance in both accounts nothing should be done by Dentrix. Until this is repair at your end, at minimum, you should instruct users to be aware of this issue and to include as part of their procedures, to review ledgers after separating family members and prior to archiving accounts. I was caught totally off guard and now a few days from closing the month, I am having to go back, reactivate accounts, correct the issues and proceed with work that I deemed completed. It is costly for our entity when I could have avoided and addressed the problem at the time of archiving clients. Thank you.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    I will vote for this Enhancement. Is there a problem with deleting these "Special Adj" in all affected Ledgers by using the utility EditHist in the C-drive-->Dentrix folder?
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    We have this special adjustment problem for many times. no warning came out big credit or balance on family members. and can not delete it... same as the the comment below. thanks Jessica. Jessica commented · April 22, 2015 YES!!! This is terrible. This must be fixed right away. We keep accurate balances on each patient, and when we split a family, there are several "special adjustments" that show up that cause the whole balance to go to the head of household. When patients get divorced, they do not want the whole balance going to only one of them. We have to make sure to make our own adjustments after splitting any families, and it is embarrassing to have to tell patients that our software just makes special adjustments and that we cannot take them off. Also, when someone splits a family and doesn't make the adjustments to bring the balances on each back to the correct balances, then we get phone calls. This is not a good situation. Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter.
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    When separating patients to their own accounts, let US decide what adjustments need to be made if any to keep the patients account balances correct. Dentrix should not be able to decide what it thinks a patient should get (credit or debit) then set it in history! Sometimes Dentrix makes several adjustments on one account, then we have to do our own adjustments to make the balance correct. This leaves the ledger in a complete mess and is very confusing for our patients when we try and explain why so many adjustments were made to their account. Dentrix SHOULD NOT be able to decide what gets set permanently onto our patients ledgers!!
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    wondering why today when I spilt a payment using the "split by family members" button some of the payment went to an archived patient. I had to unarchive him correct the payment then tried to archive again but couldn't due to an old balance on his ledger.. so frustrated with this new way
  • Guest commented
    July 09, 2019 04:21
    Had to print a 2015 ledger for a patient today. The ledger printout includes Special Adjustments from 2011. I went online with Click to Chat and apparently there is no work around for this. Dentrix needs to fix this. Adjustments from previous years do not to be included in every ledger printout. It just confuses patients. Why do Special Adjustments print at all?
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