Dentrix Ideas

Option to edit exceptions template

It would be helpful to the front office and save us some time if we could edit the exceptions template. If we had the ability to edit the template we could change what we utilize in our office which may vary from another office. Right now the template has some codes we use, some of the codes are INCORRECT (ex: Comp Exam is D0150 not D0180), some codes we need to add. Overall the ability to edit the template to personalize for each individual practice would be more time efficient. There are other templates we utilize such as the coverage table that has the ability to change, I would like to see that option incorporated in the exception template area. Thank you !

  • Guest
  • Dec 9 2020
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  • Jen commented
    9 Feb, 2021 07:13pm

    Yes! We need to be able to customize the headings. Example: 'Downgrade Procedure'- This seems like a waste to us. Would like to be able to change the wording in the template as well as everything else and have the widths stay where we can see them without having to adjust them each time.

    Thank you.