Dentrix Ideas

A way to chart that a retained primary tooth is present AS WELL AS the permanent tooth.

It's not that common but sometimes a primary and permanent tooth are present at the same time. It's important for filing ins. claims related to these retained teeth/permanent teeth

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    9 May, 2024 05:51pm

    Agreed-we run into this scenario frequently and have found no great way to accurately update the odontogram.

  • Guest commented
    23 May, 2023 02:03pm

    Dentrix needs a better way to chart supernumerary and retained deciduous teeth.

  • Sara O commented
    5 Nov, 2020 11:27pm

    Yes, example #11 has been moved to #10's space and #H is still retained. Unable to properly chart for insurance or periodontal charting currently.