Dentrix Ideas

Statements/Walk outs should show full fee

Statements/Walk outs should have the option to show UCR fee for the services, then maybe have the insurance fee listed below that line (much like treatment planning can be set up showing both fees). This would be helpful on claims where the insurance hasn't paid yet to show what the patient "could" owe if it is not paid. (If a service is non-covered, the patient may owe the entire UCR balance, rather than the negotiated fee).

Also, when 1 family member has one insurance company, and another family member has a different insurance company, they do not understand that each insurance company has their own set of fees. They think that they are being charged unfairly because they may have a higher balance than their other family members simply because of different coverages.

It's also nice to show patients how well their insurance is working for them by giving them in-network rates.

  • Amy
  • Jun 23 2020
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