Check for patient duplicates before adding new patient
When you fill out the "Enter New Patient Information" fields and press "OK", it would be nice for Dentrix to check the fields with existing patient information in the database. If it finds a duplicate, or even 75-80% similar, it will ASK if we are sure we want to create that new patient, just in case the new patient is an existing patient's son that has the same name and address. This will prevent adding any duplicate patients and would make life A LOT easier. Thank you!
The option to merge patients into one chart would also help!
That would be a great feature!
PLEASE add this feature back to where when you are putting in a new patient, it will give you an alert that same pt with same dob exists.
yes this is great! Also if added a birthday slot for new patients it would help search for the possibility of it being an existing patient.
This would be a huge benefit especially since you can't merge duplicate charts unless you are using the hospital version.
Of course it's feasible....We are presented with possible matches when patients request web portal access. Relying on SSN ignores the possibility that any user could type numerals incorrectly, a person be issued a new number or could have provided an incorrect number. Ideally, SSN should not be a variable just like DOB, humans enjoy the audacity to believe in being infallible.
Any updates on this???
My front office staff duplicates patients on a consistent basis and it is exhausting. Once things are entered into the file the duplicate patients xrays, clinical notes cannot be transferred and the duplicate patient cannot be deleted. We need the system to recognize by date of birth because most patients know their date of birth is a requirement but refuse to give SS numbers. This feature would alleviate so many duplicate patients in the system.
Many patients do not want to give out their social security number! Need a different way to identify the patient is already in the system to prevent dual patient entry!
Also have it look at archived accounts
I think this would be a fantastic addition. If it's not feasible, at lease a date of birth option in the New Patient information dialog box when scheduling a NP appointment.
Including archived ot inactive patients
Researching by date of birth would be another way to search for duplicate patients.