Dentrix Ideas

Modify sort order of Treatment plan visits

Currently the treatment plan visits sort via CDT code.  It is ideal to be able to sort procedures manually. Sometimes its nice to use the 'Visit' to group phases of treatment.... one example is when making immediate interim dentures prior to final implant overdenture.  In phase one you take initial impressions at visit 1, master impression with custom tray at visit 2, baseplate and occlusion visit 3, wax try in at visit 4 and deliver prosthesis at visit 5...Possible soft relines between phases.... Then phase two of the process is basically a repeat of the first 5 visits but for the permanent implant over denture. If you break it down via 'Visit".....its like 13 visits....when it could be 2 'Visit' s but the codes are placed in order of treatment.

  • Guest
  • Jan 23 2020
  • Already exists
  • Mar 2, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation. the current sort order is as follows:

    1. Case (procedures should be GROUPED into Cases, although the user can re-order the Cases into a specific order if they so desire. This is not intended to mean that the Cases should be sorted in alphabetical or any other specific type of order in the Treatment Planner, just grouped together by Case.)
    2. Visit number (if any).
    3. Procedure Date.
    4. Tooth #.
    5. Procedure Code (ADA Code).

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