Dentrix Ideas

Lab quick button

We just updated to G7.3 and the lab case quick link ion the appointment is no longer there.  This was a wonderful link and would be nice to have it back

  • Guest
  • Dec 21 2019
  • Already exists
  • Mar 9, 2020

    Admin response

    The icon should not have disappeared with this update. on the toolbar if you can right click, click customize toolbar, is the option for lab case available. if so, add it to your bar and click ok to save the changes.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    23 Aug, 2022 05:19pm

    Amy is my hero. Unchecking the "Use DDX for Lab Case" worked perfectly. Thank you, Amy!

  • Amy commented
    9 Mar, 2020 06:53pm

    The lab button that we were referring to is when you double click on an appointment & the appt info / appt card is displayed showing the tx for that days appt, also with quick buttons to "history", "more info", patient info", etc. In the lower right hand corner of that was where "patient lab cases" used to be listed. However, we have found the fix for this that Dentrix programmers overrode when they did the update because they want you to use their DDX program.

    FIX: In the appointment book, go to "Setup", then "Practice Appointment Setup". On the right hand side, UNCLICK "Use DDX for Lab Case", then OK. This will give you your lab case button back on the appt card.

  • Amy commented
    6 Feb, 2020 02:46pm

    I agree. It was a nice quick button for the front desk to see if a lab case was back without having to wait to load 100 cases in the lab case manager. Our assistants are not enjoying this update as well. Taking this away has created an inconvenience for the entire office.