Dentrix Ideas

Identify the team member (the hygienist, Doc, Tx planner or front office person) who presented the treatment plan to the patient.

This would assist in accountability, follow up and training opportunities. The patient would benefit as it would show attention to detail in our follow up care with our patients. 

  • Guest
  • Oct 8 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Oct 16, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for the suggestion. as a current option we may recommend the staff member\provider us the Case Note box to indicate their name and date\time stamp of when they presented it.

    To add the note to existing cases:
    1. Click the Treatment Plan Case Setup option at the top of the Navigation Panel.
    2. Select the case that needs a note.
    3. Select the Supporting Information option from the Navigation Panel.

    4. In the Case Note box, type in the name or ID of the Staff\Provider who presented the case.

    5. In addition to name, you can insert the Dateline and click Save Note.

    6. Should the case be re-presented at a later time\date, you can add additional users who have presented the case.

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