Dentrix Ideas

Patient Picture

To take, and upload a patients photograph for their file in a simple form would be convenient.  There should be a feature in Dentrix that allows for us to pull up their Dentrix Patient Picture and just snap their picture at the front desk and it goes straight into their file,  without having to take a picture with a regular camera, upload to a folder, then have to find that folder to attach the photo to their file.  It's all too time consuming.  A simpler way would be great. 

  • Candi Clayton
  • Oct 8 2019
  • Already exists
  • Oct 18, 2019

    Admin response

    Depending on the device and installation drivers, you may be able to set it up that when you go into the patient picture feature and select "from device", it will import the picture taken. for further assistance to confirm this capability we do encourage you to contact support at 833-471-2273.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    9 Oct, 2019 09:52pm

    Eaglesoft has that feature