Dentrix Ideas

Options to print an already existing attachment from claim information

It would be amazing if within where we attach documents, xrays, perio charts, and Primary EOB's we could have the option to print those. Sometimes if we get a claim back that has to be printed and mailed for various reasons or an insurance company only receives mail in claims (for us CCPOA / EBA&M / APWV / Operating Engineers) instead of having to scroll through EOB's or find a new x ray etc. we could just go right into the claim information where the original attachments are located and print off the screen shot we took. big time saver - thank you

  • Scott Whiting
  • May 3 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • PB commented
      June 01, 2023 20:23

      Came here to say this! Hopefully it gains traction!