Dentrix Ideas

Perfect Day Scheduling needs perfecting

More blocks than 6 per provider! Or at least being able to reuse blocks in different time slots.

  • Guest
  • Apr 25 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Apr 28, 2023

    Admin response

    Thank you for posting to Dentrix Ideas! Your idea is under consideration for future development.

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  • James Gear commented
    11 Jun 13:38

    Additionally, the ability to modify the Perfect Schedule should be restricted. Only authorized employees should have the permission to delete, move, or alter the Perfect Day schedule. There should also be different levels of access to control what actions each employee can perform regarding the Perfect Schedule.

  • James Gear commented
    11 Jun 13:25

    its 2024 and this still hasn't been addressed. "More blocks than 6 per provider. Also, being able to move blocks side to side."

  • Guest commented
    17 May 16:10

    More blocks than 6 per provider. Also, being able to move blocks side to side.

  • Claire B commented
    June 08, 2023 18:03

    We work different hours each day and have different types of appointments for each day. Unlimited blocks per provider would all us to truly make a Perfect Day