This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DTX-I-6630 Clinical note interruption / Spell check prompt error .
I have had an issue for a while, where when I try to add a number (or anything that is on the top line of the keyboard) my clinical note goes to spell check. It is very annoying when trying to write a note with numbers, #, %, etc. It does not happen all of the time, but when it is done it takes a long time to get through a single note. I have called Dentrix multiple times on this with no real solution.
What the heck, I thought I was the only one that had this problem! There are 45 redactle people in my workplace, yet this has only happened to me.
this is an ongoing problem for me as well very very annotying and I too have called Dentrix and they are not able to fix this glitch in the software
i have this issue as well. this issue doesn't happen everytime but it happens. i'm running windows 10 pro, intel i7 processor, 64 bit system.
have to get out of dentrix and reopen... and sometimes this addresses the issue.
OMG I thought I was the only one this happens to!! I am in an office of 45 and this only happens to me