Dentrix Ideas

Be able to open and read all clinical notes on one view page

To be able to read all clinical without having to click on each one. Have them all open at the same time and just be able to scroll up and down at the history.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Already exists
  • Jul 9, 2019

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    • Guest commented
      March 21, 2023 23:22

      Dentrix already does this! Go to PROGRESS NOTES and select EXPAND NOTES then scroll all you like:)

    • my tom commented
      July 08, 2022 08:43

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    • Guest commented
      April 13, 2020 17:46

      This would make a big difference at our office and other offices i have worked at. Please help, thank.

    • Cristina Ilies commented
      July 26, 2019 15:50

      Dentrix does this.  You can see all clinical notes for a patient in one view using the Progress notes panel and filter out procedure types.  I use it every day.  I can also view the chart by today only and quickly see who does not have notes or which ones are not signed  (A report for this though would be great!)

    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      you can do this in progress note by clicking on expand
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      We need to see the clinical notes like they would appear in a chart instead of clicking on dates to see if we can find what we are looking for. It would be great if all clinical notes went somewhere where could just viewed with a simple click.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      Clicking on the Clinical Notes button and the Expand Notes button on the Progress Notes toolbar will display all of the Clinical Notes. Click "off" the buttons for Treatment Plan, Completed Work, Existing Work, Conditions, Exams, and Referrals, and you will see all of the Clinical Notes and only the Clinical Notes in the Progress Notes panel. The View | Progress Notes menu can be used instead of the button. And, of course, the Progress Notes panel can be sized to see as much as you want to without scrolling.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      I was at a dental conference this weekend and everyone at the Texas Meeting that was in this dentrix class agreed that this function would be incredibly useful.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      Clicking on the Clinical Notes button and the Expand Notes button on the Progress Notes toolbar will display all of the Clinical Notes. Click "off" the buttons for Treatment Plan, Completed Work, Existing Work, Conditions, Exams, and Referrals, and you will see all of the Clinical Notes and only the Clinical Notes in the Progress Notes panel. The View | Progress Notes menu can be used instead of the button. And, of course, the Progress Notes panel can be sized to see as much as you want to without scrolling.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      My only complaint with dentrix is the inability to view numerous days of clinical notes all at once and have the ability to scan up and down to go back or forward to different days. You need to make this similar to a paper treatment note sheet. The way it is set up now takes too much time to find old notes. Is there a way to do this that I have over looked? Gary Martine
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      It is to difficult when the Dr writes his notes and I as administrator write my notes to click on ever date to find the one I am looking for. should have away instead of the date have an abbreviation for Dr notes or other options.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      It seems elementary that all the opened clinical notes should be able to be viewed all on the same page, just like on a paper chart. You can much more quickly glance up/down to see what you have told patient from visit to visit, instead of laboriously opening each one individually.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      I understand that we can see all the notes in expanded progress notes, but you can't write a new note there. In the operatory I don't need to be clicking back and forth between panels. My job is to assist and type notes quickly as needed. The notes all need to be visible from the clinical chart notes...not the progress notes.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      proper record keeping to meet the standard of care of patient can not be done when there is no way to find the head and neck exams to compare,to ensure if there is a condition or pathology that needs following. Dentists do not have time to read thru each note-this puts us in a position of medical liability if we can not do so. Either allow labelling of notes,or when the autonotes are used allow the description to be posted not just a date!
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      The sugestion by Admin sounds like something from a person who has never had to use this software in a clinical environment. We cannot be sitting clicking and unclicking multiple buttons to move between view formats. Less eye candy, more usability, please!
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      When you double click on the clinical note from the progress notes they appear in a box. It would be nice if you could scroll thru different dates with a button. Currently you have to close the box and open a new date.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      Yes, even though you can "exspand all", you still have to click on the individual notes. As a new user to Dentrix and always hearing how great this system is...I consider this a MAJOR down side to your program, comprared to others I have used. I would be greatly appreciative if you could fix this awful flaw. :)
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      Another great idea would be to make prior progress notes that have been scanned into the document center also viewable on the clinical notes section. We have held off going completely paperless because our doctor would like to have all the patient's information all in one place rather than clicking back and forth between patient chart and document center.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
      Easiest way to see all clin notes at once is from Progress Notes, Expand all notes, and click Status to group all your expanded clin notes together. 2 clicks and you're there. Resize box as you like. You can edit all you want, as long as the note has not been locked, either manually after you write your notes, or how Dentrix automatically does it at the end of each month. This obviously is necessary to protect your rear that you can't be accused months or years later that you "doctored" your notes if a legal issue arises.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:30
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