Dentrix Ideas

Add options for "Non-Duplication" insurance plans.

When it is Non-Duplication the primary has to run out before secondary kicks in, currently there is no way to show the patient on the Treatment Case what their insurance is going to cover. It would be nice to have this as an option.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
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    • Tami Bell commented
      March 27, 2024 21:25

      Please make this change, so that when the treatment plan is brought up, it does not show that secondary insurance will pay anything if it is non-duplicating.

    • Guest commented
      November 16, 2020 18:50

      Disappointed this was still not an option on the last update. It would be extremely helpful to have a box to select in the "Insurance Information". Have it a separate option there for each patient. Similar to how the "Signature on File" is separate. Many of the updates seemed more cosmetic. This would be a welcomed and invaluable change.

    • Lisa Bowman commented
      July 21, 2020 22:16

      WOULD LOVE a non dupl box for secondary insurances. Please. Please. Please.

    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      This is the same issue that we have. There needs to be an enhancement that will solve this issure.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      If the secondary insurance has a non duplication clause we should be able to enter that information so that the estimated patient portion on the treatment Plan is correct
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      should also be able to update treatment plans to use 2 years worth of benefits so patient can spread treatmnent out over time.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      Can someone in the software setup please check into this feature for us? Thank you.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      This would be awesome. We have quite a few patients with dual coverage (their own through their employer and also coverage through their spouse), and some do have a non-duplication clause. We also have to figure those manually.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      Please add an option to select one of the three most common COB rules most insurance companies pay secondary claims by to the coverage table of a plan. This would be more efficient than the present method of overriding the secondary estimate on each procedure in the treatment manager. Please add this in Dentrix Enterprise ?
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      Also if on the TX plan and Ledger you can reflect the FEE schedule of secondary. So tired of making adjustments and not giving accurate quotes, or waiting for everyone to pay to have actual numbers. If Primary is Delta, use Delta fee. Secondary is Metlife, use MetLife Fee, ledger and TX plan should reflect these fees.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      add a button to check for insurance that is non-duplication, and have it estimate correctly. When you see double coverage, you assume that both will pay, but a lot of insurance companies have a non duplication clause. We have to search for insurance coverage information.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      For dual insurance patients, having the option to have the secondary fee schedule override the primary fee schedule would be great. This can be found in the family file, insurance information, fee schedules.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      Treatment planner is not calculating dual insurance properly. In order to show the proper amount that both insurance companies will cover for cases you need to delete the secondary insurance in ledger prior to putting in the primary estimate. Once the primary estimate is in you have to recreate the secondary claim and put that estimate in. This makes tracking when all claims were send difficult. Also you are doing things twice in order to get a proper amount that patients are responsible for, it is redundant!
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:29
      Create a way to check secondary eligibility.
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