Dentrix Ideas

Clinical Notes Font Size, Styles, Colors

It would be very helpful if the clinical notes could allow certain text to be bold, italics, and/or a larger font and allow attachments. We are constantly duplicating information from clinical notes into Patient Alerts so that it is more apparent in the future. We also use lots of CAPITALS and ****** to bring attention to information in clinical notes. A simple rich text editor in there would be a really helpful addition.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

    Admin response

    We appreciate your feedback, thanks.
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    • Josephine Tokarev commented
      June 17, 2024 05:09

      This would be an absolute dream!

    • Betty Dixon commented
      June 11, 2024 14:37

      Agree 100%

    • Rita Brisky commented
      June 10, 2024 12:46

      I agree, a great idea

    • Pam commented
      June 07, 2024 13:02

      This is a great idea. Please implement!

    • Stacy Borucki commented
      March 27, 2024 05:14

      Clinical notes font size can be changed. No colors or Bold but It's there near the Clinical note template setup.

    • Guest commented
      January 30, 2023 15:47

      Template font size

    • Guest commented
      December 28, 2021 14:06

      We do the exact same. Also, update the size of the icons. Team member struggle to see the procedure buttons. When you adjust the panel size it should also make the icons larger.

    • rachel potts commented
      July 26, 2021 21:21

      in my templates, it would be great to be able to BOLD certain spots where the answers wouldn't be bolded... as well as being able to BOLD in the chart notes whenever not using a template

    • rachel potts commented
      July 26, 2021 21:20

      Bolding would be awesome! as well as underlining and possible colors

    • Gretchen Gilbert commented
      June 17, 2021 18:34

      Love this idea!

      Our Hygienists have commented several times it would be so nice to easily distinguish between their notes and Dr. Caldwell's notes by changing color, style etc...

    • Guest commented
      February 17, 2021 00:03


      hygiene clinical notes vs treatment notes etc

    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2020 19:38

      I would be nice to be able to highlight an important line in the clinical notes so that it stands out above the other notes.

    • Guest commented
      January 16, 2020 16:32

      You've had the same archaic prehistoric word processor for over a decade. it's embarrassing that nothing can be underlined, bulleted, put in italics, boldfaced, maybe insert a photos or x-ray next to text you are referring to, etc. 

    • Ehsan S commented
      December 18, 2019 23:16

      I need a fix for 4k displays

    • Guest commented
      October 28, 2019 19:02

      Is there a way that we can have the questionnaire in spanish? We have a huge Latino patient base and it is difficult for them to complete the questionnaire in English and its time consuming for the practice.

    • Guest commented
      July 19, 2019 14:23

      Dentrix managers ,Instead of appreciating the feedback do something to resolve the issue, doctors , staff members , managers spend lots of time in front of the computer and certainly having to read your tinny letters doesn't help at all. This is an ongoing problem  and still not resolve . 

    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:28
      we'd like to be able to change 'type' color to red so that in the clinical notes when can type in red when the patient is a NO SHOW or arrives late or cancels short notice.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:28
      Clinical notes needs to be completly easy to customize. This includes the text size and color. PLUS; the date that shows to the lefthand side of the notes needs to be easy to customize, (diferent colors used for hygiene vs doctors), this would make it easy to see which notes to open up if you are looking for something specific.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:28
      Would like the option of having color choices for each entry - such as red to indicate "no show" or late arrivals; purple to indicate miscellaneous personal information. etc.
    • Guest commented
      July 09, 2019 04:28
      color choices are a GREAT idea. When we used paper progress notes, Hygiene notes were in GREEN, Operative Notes were in BLUE, Administrative notes were in RED. The best idea is to have this fully customizable and perhaps have the ability to tie to specific logons, such as HYG1 or FO01 (Front Office 01) for example.
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