Dentrix Ideas

Charting declined treatment

Need the choice of declined for treatment in addition to proposed, and completed. We want to know we proposed and they declined so we don't keep asking. Sealants are a good example, a visual different color on the chart would let us know immediately.
  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Jul 9, 2019

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  • Alfredo Torras commented
    3 Mar, 2023 04:02pm

    Would be great to have different color showing in the odontogram all the treatment that were rejected in the past for a quick and easy visual check for the clinical team. It will help Dr to take a quick look while doing exam to see if he missed that condition during previous visit or pt rejected his recommendation.

  • Guest commented
    7 Oct, 2022 12:28pm

    Would love for the declined treatment to stay in the odontogram but show up as a different color. Patients who decline treatment do not want us to bring it up on a regular basis but we need to to have a quick visual that it was treatment planned and when for future reference.

  • Guest commented
    1 Jun, 2022 09:31pm

    When treatment is rejected it would be nice to have a visual on the "tooth chart" where we can change it to a different color so we know it has been recommended but rejected by the patient

  • Guest commented
    7 Apr, 2020 03:01pm

    We created a code for 'rejected crown' & 'rejected NG' as a conditions so we are aware at periodic & emergency exams....

  • Deanne Jones commented
    30 Aug, 2019 03:31pm

    Rejected treatment needs to be in a different color and remain on the tooth chart. We currently can reject treatment and it doesn't remove the treatment plan. You can still see the rejected treatment it is just not going to be counted in the total amount of the treatment plan $$ on the report at the end of month for proposed and accepted treatment. If the patients says no they are not interested in the Implant don't ask me again click rejected and in the  rejected notes state why and date it.  This doesn't mean you will loose the data. You can always go back and change the status to proposed again, but make sure to properly document the dates.  Dates are always going to stay the same as they were when you created the original treatment plan.

  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    This is a great idea and would be helpful in tracking accepted/declined treatment.
  • Ryan commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    The design of the program is to treatment plan that work, and assign that treatment to its own treatment case. Assign a status of "Rejected" to that status (and make additional notes at that time if desired), and the treatment will be available in the Treatment Planner panel, but not cluttering up the Progress Notes or Graphical Chart, Appointment Reasons, or Ledger (viewing Options | Treatment Plans). It sounds as if your request though is to go ahead and show the rejected items using a different color, at least within the Chart.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    A different color would be great. Now if a patient refuses treatment plan it disappears from the chart and the Dr doesn't have the immediate visual of what he has previously recommended.
  • Marg commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    Could the rejected treatment show up as GRAYED out for example? The hygienist wanted a quick visual way to see that something was recommended before, but the patient declined at this time/ killing the idea.... It should be available to address again in the future...showing up as a new recommendation in full color again I think:)
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    Or, a box to check beside the procedure (decline box) if the patient declines it, then a report could be generated to see how many cases are being declined. Then you would be able to see if you need to work on your presenting skills :)
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    A different color or some other way of seeing rejected treatment on the work chart would be very helpful to my dr and would allow her more time for actual production.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    Automatically have the patient chart reject treatment after a certain time frame and have the rejected treatment show on the tooth chart as a different color.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    Showing rejected Tx as a different color on the charting would be AWESOME!! We are currently placing a "watch" on a specific tooth for rejected Tx so that it will catch our attention that Tx has been rejected.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    When rejecting tx in the treatment planner, it removes it from the chart and progress notes. It would be nice to be able to have it still noted in the chart and progress notes when it was originally proposed. It also changes the date in the tx planner to the current date, not when it was proposed.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    It would be a great feature to have rejected treatment still show up in the tooth chart and progress notes, but as a different color. That way once the case is rejected it doesn't disappear.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    Currently, when a case is rejected in the Treatment Planner, the diagnosed treatment is removed from the clinic chart. This makes it look as though the treatment was never diagnosed in the clinic chart. It would be nice if the rejected treatment would remain in the clinic chart but change to another color associated with a rejection. Also, this would stop treatment from showing up on any reports as unscheduled treatment.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    We would like to see the rejected treatment plan remain rather than disappear and change to a different color. Office staff will be able to quickly identify a treatment plan that was recommended but rejected by the patient. This will avoid continually asking the patient about this treatment that they have rejected.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    Our doctors do not want the treatment they told the patient they needed, to disappear off of the chart when the patient rejects the treatment. Can the rejected treatment plan still show on the tooth chart, maybe in a different color. They want to be able to tell by a visual check of the tooth chart that there is rejected tx. If a tooth has decay, it needs to stay on the tooth chart. On the same note, the admin staff would like to be able to reject a case And remove it from the chart, for optional cosmetic treatments the patient rejects because they don't affect the patients oral health.
  • Guest commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:24am
    In the planner when you mark a treatment refused it removes it from charting. It should stay seen. Just because the pt refused it shouldnt make the treatment invisable until you change the status back to "proposed or Accepted"
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