Dentrix Ideas

Difference btw practice fee & network fee

Please create within your system to calculate the difference btw practice fee and out of net work fee schedule so that the amount over the OON fee schedule is calculated to the patient % / portion owed. 

example- 100, 80 50 coverage, with ins. fee schedule/blue book attached, system should calculate that the amount owed by patient.

Exam- $45.00 (practice fee) , $25.00  ins. allowed amount (OON fee schedule)

100% covered exam pt would be responsible for $20.00

($20.00 is the non covered amount over ucr/network fee)

Build up $250.00 (practice fee),  $200.00 allowed by ins @ 50%

pt would be responsible for $150.00 - 

I realize this may seem confusing, but I know that it is possible as the system we previously use did calculate the OON/over UCR.  

Per Dentrix rep.,  I was notified that the above scenario  was not possible-dentrix currently does not functionality to do the task mentioned above.

  • Guest
  • Oct 8 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Oct 18, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for the suggestion.

  • Attach files
  • St Marks commented
    30 May, 2024 10:03pm

    This function was working on G7 version, its not working after update, and still not fixed for years... unacceptable for the money they ask for the software.