Dentrix Ideas

Control which modules are affected by Med History pop ups

Currently, every single Dentrix module is included in the pop up of a Medical History alert (when pop up is selected).  Many modules have no relevance to a medical alert so this global approach is overkill.  It would be nice to control which Dentrix modules display a med alert pop up > just like there is control over flag pop ups.

  • Guest
  • Oct 3 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Oct 3, 2019

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we will consider this for a potential future release.

  • Attach files
  • Moe Spresser commented
    15 Nov, 2019 04:37pm

    I would suggest general groupings for adding Alerts in the form of a single click. Groupings such as 

    "Clinical" modules such as Patient Chart and Treatment Planner 

    "Health History" modules such as the Questionnaires, Health History, and Prescriptions 

    "Financial" modules such as Ledger and Guarantor Notes 

    "Insurance" such as Ledger, Add/Edit New Insurance Claim. I think you get it. This way when adding alerts we don't have to hand select each place we want that alert. We could select a category that would select multiple modules at a time.