Prior to a recent update, we could assign fees to codes in the fee schedule setup module and then click "use office fee" and it would save the existing fee (the one we entered) while telling Dentrix to use the office fee instead. Now, when you click that "use office fee" box it deletes the record of the fee and sets it to 0. This is confusing because when you look at the code in Procedure Code Setup you don't know if it has a $0 fee because insurance truly pays $0 for it or if it was just deleted because Dentrix is using the office fee for that code. Please bring the old way back!! There are times where we set "use office fee" for a code becuse our fee is lower than insurance fee. In this case we need to click that box so the office fee will populate on treatment plans and in the ledger when we walk out that code, but we still want a record for that insurance fee in Dentrix.