Dentrix Ideas

Option to incorporate PPO "alternate procedure" downgrade into fee schedule, or make a way to copy/paste entire payment table from one insurance plan to another.

Inputting the codes and payment amounts one at a time into payment table is very time consuming and tedious, and every time you enter a new insurance plan it clears out the payment table.  Example PPO downgrade for composite filling to amalgam filling codes d2391-2394. You can import a fee schedule into payment table but that is not helpful as you can not import a partial table, and all those extra codes would override the correct % calculations that Dentrix does on everything else.  Takes too long to delete the 9996 other codes you don't need...  Need the payment table in correctly on new patients to give accurate treatment plan estimates, so can't wait to do payment table edits when entering ins. payments.

  • Guest
  • Sep 25 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Apr 2, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.

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