Dentrix Ideas


When making a txt plan.. be able to take out fees, insurance and pt portion for each column.. Only allow the final numbers for total fee, insurance, and pt portion at the bottom of each plan. Makes it easier for patient acceptance if they only see total, insurance and pt portion and doesn't allow them to come back and say, "well, on the treatment plan, it says insurance will pay this and now they're paying different" OR "how come ins is paying this for this and only paying this amount for the same thing"..  Also doesn't allow them to "SHOP" around for pricing for each item treatment planned

  • Guest
  • Sep 25 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Apr 2, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the recommendation, we are always looking for ways to improve the product. we will consider this for a potential future release.

    There are ways to hide\remove certain information when printing the treatment case. to ensure we have enough details on your request, we do encourage you to contact our support team, whom can also provide our development team with further information. Support can be reached at 833-471-2273.

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