Dentrix Ideas

Why was the double click to make a new patient appointment taken off?

The update deleted our ability to make new patient appointments with one click. All of our patients are pediatric so they are never the grantors. Now just to make a new patient appointment we have to put in all parents information then add the child, then delete the parent appointment then make the child's appointment. I do not know who eliminated this but now a simple process is completely time consuming and my monthly reports for new patients is going to be inaccurate.

  • Guest
  • May 20 2024
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 20, 2024 17:33

    I agree! The new feature requires even more clicking and it creates a family file for an unknown person to the practice who may not come to the appointment. Now we have a family in the data base that is going to take up server space for a non-patient. So much wrong with this change to creating a new patient appointment.