Dentrix Ideas

A checkbox on the medical history that shows the date that it was reviewed even if there were no changes.

This would be beneficial so that every team member can see the date that the medical history was reviewed with the patient and 'updated'- even if there were no changes. For example, a patient may not have changed their medical history or medications since 2020. But in 2024, it would just seem like their medical history has not even been reviewed with the patient since 2020 because nothing has been activated or inactivated.

  • Guest
  • Apr 11 2024
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Lori Kemp commented
    29 May, 2024 08:34pm

    We just need another column that allows us to show todays date that it has been updated and active. Very important as we ask the patient at every appt. and currently we can not see when the last time we updated the list. We only see when it was reported or when it was inactivated.

    reported date-----inactive date------updated dated