Dentrix Ideas

Multiple improvements needed.

Dentrix really needs to start listening to their clients requests/needs before they start moving to a more efficient software! There are numerous improvements that have been suggested in recent year - ALL NECESSARY for us to do our job efficiently. I believe very few have been implemented. Changes for immediate consideration/implementation: (If I listed any that are already available please let me know TIA) 1. Multi screen (without having to use 2nd monitor) - need ability to open and see more then once screen at a time. 2. An Icon in the pt appt for online forms. Similar to ins. verification "E" ; Gray if pt hasn't completed online forms, green if completed. 3. When pt completes online forms - automatically (w/o user intervention) save in doc center. Similar to E-Eobs. Yes, I know they can be printed to DC however they are sent to "unfiled" which only makes more work. 4. In family file (above "notes") - a section for ben. Ben.- quick access; much more accessible then opening ins, then opening benefits (good for detailed info IF it's actually updated) *My suggestion is more accessible & likely to be updates by FD staff. Benefit summary: 1/1-12/31/23 or 7/1-6/30/23 100/80/50 Max $1500 Ded $50 (ck box incl prev.) Missing th clause: y/n FREQUENCIES: HYG: (ck or drop down box) 2 per 12 mo, 2 per cal yr, 2 per plan yr. FMX/PAN: shared freq y/n 1 per 36mo, 1 per 60 mo etc BASIC: 1 per 24 mo Post comp alt Ben. y/n Etc. Perio: D4910: shares freq 1110: y/n 2 per cal/12/plan yr D4345 HX y/n D4346 HX y/n D4341 HX y/n MAJOR: (drop down or ck box) 1 per 5, 1 per 8, 1 per 10 IMPLANTS: y/n ORTHO: y/n Child only: y/n For a busy, fast paced office - especially smaller offices - information that is easily accessible (quickly) is invaluable! 5. When entering/changing flags - before closing confirm "are you sure you want flag pop ups on every screen?" - these flags are great when used properly however I often see them used for thing that should be in the journal (journal was glitches and very slow last yr). **option to out flag in APPT for notes in journal. 6. Audit trail reports: this report is ok however it could be better. One thing it should include (unless I missed it) is tracking of any employee that changes codes and fees especially in the ledger (not appt). 7. Employee PTO totals, used, remaining etc for FT. YTD HRS WORKED (for EE & HR to view so state mandated PTO can be calculated by ee and/or hr. Plus a list of paid holidays available for research to view. 8. Increased number of online/remote training seminars available on a variety of topics.
  • Guest
  • Aug 31 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Stacy Borucki commented
    March 18, 2024 01:26

    1) Dentrix is a windows based program, you can see more than one screen at a time in a single monitor. Go the double box between minimize and click it. You can adjust the size of the modules. I used to work out of 3 modules at one time.

    2) That one is a good idea.

    3) They have to figure a way for it to know where to send it. Online forms can be uploaded and nothing would have to take more memory in the doc center. Just my thought.

    4) Once you are done programming the insurance if the plan has a MTC or exceptions entered it will give you a quick entry button in the insurance box like the eligibility button.

    5) Not sure about that one.

    6) Great idea!

    7) Great idea.

    I hope I help in some way on a few of them. šŸ˜Š