Dentrix Ideas

A good voice recognition software

Incorporating a good voice recognition software would benefit all members of the dental team, especially those who can not type well. Clinical notes and procedure narratives are not necessarily amenable to templates and typing them is time consuming. Perhaps you can have a third party like Nuance Dragon Speak bridge their software into Dentrix. I am sure many dentist would be gladly willing to pay for this option to free up more time for their families. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 10 2019
  • Released
  • Dec 1, 2022

    Admin response

    Thank you for the feedback! Please check out our new voice dictation software for clinical notes and perio exams, Dentrix Voice.

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  • Tal Lewinger commented
    22 Aug, 2020 12:53pm

    I think the even Dragon naturally speaking with the medical vocabulary needs plenty of corrections. And can get annoying to the point that it is faster to type.

    Dental note templates help.

    But what I would like to see implemented is a way to attach an audio file to a clinical note such that one will just click play and be able to listen to the clinical note in the future.

    Hence avoiding all the headache which correcting faulty dictation. I’m ok with dragon naturally speaking taking a stab into dictating my clinical narrative but I won’t care if a bunch of stuff does not make sense because I’ll always be able to listen to the audio file.

  • Guest commented
    31 Dec, 2019 01:50am

    I'm a there a way to transcribe your notes that would integrate with Dentrix?