Dentrix Ideas

The family insurance add/remove are wonky.

When ADDING a family member to an existing family, the insurance on file should NOT auto-update. A patient could live at the same address but have an entirely different insurance on their own or no insurance at all (like a mom or older child). We should be able to verify if they have the same insurance with a quick button. It's easier for us to make sure the new family member is updated than for the system to do it automatically.

When a subscriber changes insurance policies (as long as there's another policy or insurance added), this change also applies to all family members who are already on the same policy under the same subscriber. This part seems to work well. :)

But, when an insurance subscriber's policy is removed, the insurance should automatically be removed from all other family members with that same insurance/policy. We shouldn't have to go to every single person and tell the computer to delete an insurance that's no longer valid. It's common sense that no one else in the family can have the insurance if the subscriber has cancelled the policy and no longer has insurance.

  • Guest
  • May 8 2023
  • Needs review
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