Dentrix Ideas

No Auto-updates

We noticed any office that is on G7.6 or higher got auto-updated to version 23.1. There were a few offices that were down and couldn't get into Dentrix since the update didn't complete properly. Most of these offices did not want the update, and the new version could cause conflicts with third party software like patient communications, insurance claims, and payments. The box with the "major updates" was unchecked, and yet the computers jumped several versions of the software. There also doesn't seem to be a way to completely disable updates. Can you please make this an option again?

  • Guest
  • Apr 4 2023
  • Closed
  • Apr 5, 2023

    Admin response

    Thank you for your feedback!

    There is an option to choose whether your practice will receive automatic updates (configurable in the Dentrix Update Manager). The only exception is for hotfixes, which are always mandatory, and allow us to quickly address critical issues as they arise.

    Earlier this week, a number of practices received a Dentrix update that was mislabeled as a mandatory hotfix for all users. As a result, the update was automatically applied.

    We apologize that this happened. We have identified that human error caused this issue, and we are developing an internal process to prevent it from happening again.

    We know this affected your business, and we are committed to quality in our products and processes. This is not the experience we want to deliver and is not representative of our standards.

    If you are receiving a database conflict error message, click here for instructions to update your system.

    If after following the steps in the link above you cannot access your system or are having work-stoppage issues, please call Dentrix Support.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you want to see what features are now available to you, please click here.

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