I would like to be able to add sections to the OM to split the reports by type - one each for batched claims/pre-authorizations, printed reports, eClaims pre-submission/transmission reports, day sheets/deposit slips, task manager scheduled reports, etc. Offices can add them to the OM at their discretion, as many or as little as needed - like customizing the toolbar. You could select and drag reports to different sections as you deemed necessary.
This would be helpful because we would be able to print/submit/view/delete reports in bulk without having to scroll through and click everything individually. (It would also be handy to be able to use SHIFT in the OM to select a section of reports instead of having to click them individually).
We should also be able to right click on displayed reports and change it to "not printed" so they don't get deleted with the printed/displayed reports - sometimes you want to have a report handy and not have it deleted because you looked at it.
Just give us more options in the OM.