Dentrix Ideas

When I post a online credit card payment I need to be taken to the pt ledger

When I post a online credit card payment I need to be taken to the pt ledger. E-Central (I think) did this prior to your upgraded Patient Engage program. If I get 10 payments I now have to write the names down or take a pic of the names so I know who to go to so I can print out the receipt.

  • Guest
  • Jul 22 2022
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    16 Aug, 2022 01:28pm

    IF the payments actually allocated properly, this wouldn't be necessary, but if all payments automatically post to the guarantor, it messes up ledgers. When "Posting" credit card online payments, please have it switch screens and pull up the pt's ledger it is posting to so the allocation can be made. It used to do this, and would be nice if that feature came back.