Dentrix Ideas

Separate Families Without Balances Being Affected in an Irreparable Way

We would like to be able to separate family members without having to deal with "special adjustments" that cannot be deleted or undone on their separate ledgers. For smaller offices who are not necessarily interested in keeping records specifically about where the money came from or from what insurance and who the "guarantor" is, it would be nice to be able to separate family members (especially those with zero balances and separate insurance policies) without it having to affect their ledgers. We had a patient who was in a family, and "he" was moving across the country, while "she" is an active patient. Both had different insurances. Both had zero balances. Now, having separated them, without using credit or debit adjustments that ultimately make our accountants scratch their heads in confusion and anger, "she" would have a credit of $167 and "he" would have a balance of $167, while neither of them should have had such balances/credits in the first place (because no one owed or was owed), and it doesn't make sense from an accounting standpoint because one of them having to be the "guarantor" of the family never even made sense in the first place - considering they had separate insurance policies. And I don't believe that putting them in separate families is a viable "solution". It is important to keep the persons in families together, so that we can know how to address patients properly, as well contact and schedule them properly and keep a close relationship. At the very least, if there "needs" to be a special adjustment, we should be able to edit it or delete it, if it shows something untrue to the nature of the patients ledger and billing. It doesn't, in any way, help an office like ours to not be able to edit such an adjustment that only causes confusion and accounting issues. 

  • Guest
  • Aug 12 2019
  • Released
  • Jun 4, 2020

    Admin response

    Thank you for the feedback! We are currently developing a feature that will specifically address this request.

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  • Admin
    Ashley Watkins commented
    28 Jun, 2023 03:27pm

    Please upgrade to the latest version of Dentrix to resolve this issue. We removed the concept of special adjustments and fixed this problem.

  • Gina Paegelow commented
    27 Jun, 2023 06:41pm

    PLEASE FIX THIS! IT'S GONE ON TOO LONG! Patients don't understand and we honestly don't either. They should at lease be editable!

  • C F commented
    28 Apr, 2022 06:02pm

    Hi, it seems that this issue still persists. Any way to fix this?

  • Guest commented
    3 Jun, 2020 06:31pm

    Please, special adjustments don't make any sense. They clutter and mess up patients balances and ledgers

  • Guest commented
    12 Dec, 2019 03:42pm